Saturday, October 15, 2005

Feeling at home in Japan

One of the biggest problem a person like me would encounter being away from home is good home cooked food. Nevertheless, i've literally been away from KL since 1998, with the longest period staying and working in KL not lasting more then 2-4 months. Now you take this statement and multiply it with weeks of eating Bento Meal's, shushi, Udon's and cheap taste-less japanese meals and you'll know how excited i got when i found 2 indian shops just 5 minutes away from my hotel, one called Jyoti and the other Sapana.

It was excellant, given the fact i had 2 curries (chicken keema & mutton curry) togather with chiken tikka and the whitish stuff felt like sweet yougurt with fruits inside of it. Sweet lassi comes on the house, free flow. Yummie, i'm now so hooked to these restaurants!
As for the price, it's about 1000 Yen, about RM 33-35. If you're just about to say "walau-ye", hang on, this is normal price for food here and consider it cheap. A standard fine dine usually can cost you about 2-5000 YEN per meal. So the motto is, if you spend 1000 Yen & below, it's okay :) . BTW, this was lunch. The same meal for dinner will cost double.


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