Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Salut 2007, bisoux 2006

Bonjour à tous. If theres one thing my french speaking colleagues thought me was, when asked if I could speak french, say " je parler français comme le oiseau". It means i speak french like the birds. There is something about the language that always fascinated me. What an amazing language it is, so sensual & sexy.

Anyhow, back to reality. I’m not going to cook up too many excuses for my long silence but in short, the first 6 months have been hell in Egypt. Let's not even talk about 2006, what a roller coaster year it was, with many nice people and horrible work memories in Egypt.

The project wrap up is complete, the client has gone live in May and all the project pioneers have left North Africa, perhaps for good. The last 6 months have been nothing short of a nightmare and I’ll certainly think twice working on any delivery projects for a client based in certain parts of the world where its impossible to be treated with respect, regardless if you are at right. For the purpose of safeguarding my job, i wish not to reveal which region it is.

And No, I didn’t refer to North Africa as the “taboo” region I don’t want to work with but its certainly a region not too far from there. Africa is an amazing continent, full of culture, french colonies, beaches, hash, weed..hmm... isnt it wonderfull :)

Anyway, after Egypt, I was back for a couple of weeks, then left for India for what I call the “Indian Haj”, having a jam packed week of temple visits. I then left back to Egypt for a week, then to Bangkok for a couple of days and finally to Rome for a week (almost). I also did a pit stop in London to spend some time with my sister, before returning back to Malaysia. I will photo-blog about these and many more stories in the coming days. So, stay tuned.

Meantime, i wanna share with all of you the Photo of Manish, the lovely little toddler, son of a good friend of mine from Penang, Thanesh & Nantha. I first blogged about Thana's pregnancy here and now you have Manish. I'm yet to get any pictures from Azizah & Fahmi on their little one.

Baby Manish with grandma, isnt he cute?


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