Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Love for politics

I've always loved politics and political sciences .... as such, it doesnt take rocket science to figure out that Jeff's portal (thats what i call it as it has a portal of info on malaysian "truths") is amonsgt the best sites within you latest and uptodate information on current issues, both political and social related.

Though i dont know if he's a journalist by profession but nevertheless he provides pretty good write ups on many issues, in a very ethical and transparent manner ...well that never goes well with the malaysian "power house" causing him to almost go behind bars due to an iresponsible 3rd party blogger named "Anwar" .. hahaha what a conincidence right????? anyway..thats the past .... if you have any good sites that provide up to date local politic news ..drop me a note... in the mean time.. check jeff's screenshots out...he recently won the Asia Best Blogging site for defending freedom of expression u know this guy isnt a small fish :) ...he's a big fish in a big pond :)

Oh yes, MGG Pillai is another good site offering local news on silly seasons around malaysian politics....


I'm in ..yes finally i'm blogging.....not that i love to read or whatsoever....but then hey everyone's having a blog.... always thought of penning my thoughts..who knows when i'll have a look back at it.. i decided to go blog

it's 10.45am and i'm at work ...counting my days in solectron.....would be leaving this place in 4 days time and i'm already having this mixed feeling of excitement of getting back to KL while at the same time sad to leave penang after 4 lovely years being here ....all those wonderfull moments with all those wonderfull ppl :) ...nevertheless everything comes to an end ....

and yes..i'm still re-couperating from last weekends parties for Rhitu and vibin ....all those gorgeous babes and dances ... attended my first sangeeth....though it was a malayalee sangeeth rather then a punjabi one :) ..... my first private blogging!