Monday, April 24, 2006

Disoriented - Her story!

A coin has 2 sides! If there was a relationship coin, it will probably have many sides... his, hers, theirs, the other women's, the eligible bachelor next door etc..etc ..etc..!!!!

The problem with Men are simpler to compute, first = to commit or not to Commit, second, why do i treat her so nice and she acts like a total bitch to me! Both explained in a simplified manner below & other interesting blogs here & here!

For a women, the problem are aplenty! Some easily explained, some too complex to talk about! One good thing about blogging is the space & freedom you get to spill anything & everything out in your mind, without being judged for who you are!

Once such addition to the blogging space is Disoriented. Her story goes ....
"For someone who has found herself I seem to be lost, confused and unable to make headway into the future. Life keeps plodding along and there just has to be more, and here through my words I hope to find solace and direction"

A friend of a few years, she pens her anonymous trials & turbulence with men here!!!!


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